Shipping Duration

Our web site information and our quote to you contain details of expected shipping times. These are details supplied by the shipping agents, augmented with our experience in using the various shipping methods. These details are generally accurate, yet final shipping durations remain the responsibility of the shipping agents. Shipping duration may also be affected by customs procedures, special spot checks and "homeland security" measures which may occur on random basis in some countries.


After making your purchase, you will import the consignment into your country. With most shipping methods, this is a fairly automatic process. As per standard practice, the cost related to the importation is the responsibility of the buyer. This may entail importation duties, value added tax, any permits, and clearance fees that may be charged by commercial clearing agents. It is good to be aware of such costs before making your purchase. We can advise you based on our experience. For details straight from those who deal with these matters at your location, call your local shipping agent who will handle the delivery of your consignment (courier, postal service, freight forwarder) or call your friendly customs /tariff office. Any duty-free or low-duty importation may require specific export documentation. We supply this export documentation upon request, free of charge.

Returns /Refund

As a manufacturer /exporter /wholesaler we maintain a generous, yet limited refund /return policy. If there is any problem with your products upon delivery, please let us know immediately. If there is any problem that appears shipping related, please report it to the shipper before the delivery person leaves your premises, and report it to us as well. Please attach a photo, if possible. Any return must have our prior consent, and must be in original packaging and in unused condition. As a wholesale provider we do not offer a retail type, unconditional money back guarantee. For a comprehensive money-back guarantee please make a retail purchase at an authorized retailer near you or at one of our authorized on-line outlets. In all cases, where the fault is on our side, and also when it is not, we make amends to our best ability. It is important to us that you, our customer are satisfied at all times.

Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks

All content of this web site is Copyright © Chiang Mai Umbrellas and Sunisa Umbrella Factory. Chiang Mai Classic Umbrellas is an international trademark by Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Chiang Mai. Brelli® is an international trademark by Pam & Co. /Brelli, New York. When presenting these brands, the trademark sign must always be used in conjunction with the product name. The design and construction of the Brelli® is protected by several US and international registered patents.


Our legal adviser has advised us to include a legalese limitation of liability and indemnification. The normal language summary is that we are not liable for losses, additional costs or legal fees incurred by buyers or others related to the use or non-use of our products and services. Except, of course, in case of valid laws that say otherwise. Here the two legalese paragraphs: Limitation of liability Chiang Mai Umbrellas, Sunisa Umbrella Factory and its sales supporter JEDI International, Ltd., their owner's, directors and employees' entire liability and your exclusive remedy regarding Products and Services provided by us is to discontinue your use of our Products and Services. Any replacement of Products or Services is exclusively at our sole discretion. We, or our vendors or our suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages arising from procuring, transporting, vending and/or using or inability to use our Products and Services. These exclusions apply to any claims for lost profits, incurred costs, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, related product failure or mistake, or any other commercial damages and losses, even if we knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages. Some countries, states or jurisdictions do not fully allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, therefore in such countries, states or jurisdictions, our liability, and the liability of our vendors and suppliers, shall be limited to the extent permitted by law. Indemnification You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Chiang Mai Umbrellas, Sunisa Umbrella Factory and its sales supporter JEDI International, Ltd., their owners, directors and employees, and its vendors, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of procuring, transporting, vending and/or using or inability to use our, our vendors' and suppliers' Products and Services. We reserve the right, at our own expense and in our sole discretion, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. In that event, and only in such event, shall you have no further obligation to provide indemnification for us in that matter.

Web Site Links

Links to external web sites do not represent endorsements of these web sites, their products, services or contents. We have no influence over, and are not responsible for products, services, information and other content of external web sites.

User Comments

Some of our content pages allow user comments. We are not responsible for comments made by users. We reserve the right to delete or to edit user comments that we find inappropriate. If you encounter inappropriate user comments on our web site, please let us know.


Your suggestions are valuable to us and the people involved in the production of our umbrellas and hand fans. Please feel very welcome to suggest ways to improve our products, our service and web site information. To do so, please use our contact page.